quinta-feira, 2 de fevereiro de 2006

Slim in 6

Slim in 6 is an exciting new home fitness program by Debbie Siebers and Beachbody that 3 easy-to-follow workouts for amazing body-slimming results.
With the Slim in 6 workout program, you’ll achieve slim, sexy thighs, hips and arms while you shrink your midsection in just 6 weeks! Also included is the 6-Day Express Diet Plan which is guaranteed to help you lose up to six pounds and six inches in your first six days, a motivational calendar to keep your workouts on track, a tape measure, the step-by-step nutrition guide, 2 free bonus workouts, and much more!
With the 6 week Slim in 6 DVD home fitness program, you can finally have the body you’ve always dreamed of in 6 weeks or less!

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